Class Attendance and Participation Policy

The NM EDGE program is open to all public servants in New Mexico regardless of race, ethnicity, creed, color, gender, sexual orientation, or political affiliation.

Expectations of Students

The role of our students is to come to class prepared to contribute their knowledge and experience, to listen carefully to others, to respectfully challenge opinions they disagree with, and to help others achieve greater understanding. 

Student Account Information Responsibility

  • Each student is responsible for updating their NM EDGE student account profile.

To receive credit for the class, students are expected at a minimum to:

  • Sign-in at least 5 minutes BEFORE the start of each in-person class, and log in 15 minutes before the start of live-online classes.
  • Those who are late may not be permitted to take the class. 15 minutes after scheduled class start, is generally the cut off.
  • Attend the entire class session. Students who miss more than 20 minutes of combined class time will be removed from the class and asked to retake it in the future. 
  • Complete assignments, including learning-measure tests, and demonstrate an increased level of understanding related to the subjects and topics discussed in class.
  • Earn a minimum grade of six (6) on the Post-Test
  • Hold themselves to the highest ethical standard regarding academic behavior.
  • Allow other student the opportunity to engage the materials on their own. (No cheating).
  • Demonstrate a willingness to learn and positive attitude towards others.

Students are reminded of these ground rules at the start of each in-person class:

  • Silence cellular phones and do not text during class.
  • If you must take a call, take it out of the room.
  • Go to the restroom any time you need.
  • Do not stay gone too long or you will have to take the class another time.
  • Let the Instructor know if it's too hot or too cold.
  • Let the Instructor know if you cannot hear or see.
  • Ask questions at any time.
  • Participate in the discussion and in group work.
  • Photos of student and classes may be taken for promotional purposes, to opt out, please notify NM EDGE Staff, during the event.

Students are reminded of these ground rules at the start of each live-online class:

  • Please turn off your email, text & other distractions. PLEASE PUT YOUR PHONE AWAY!
  • Make sure video is on throughout the class. It helps us all to see each other’s faces and is required.
  • Mute yourself to avoid distracting background noise.
  • Unmute when sharing your thoughts and identify yourself (a quick “hey this is Sally”).
  • Please raise your hand in the participant box, and/or use chat to share your thoughts & questions.
  • Please be prompt after breaks.
  • Be present and participate! Please do not leave the class (except, of course, if there is an emergency). There will be 2 breaks during class.
  • We ask that you remain in one location during the entire class session. If you need to change locations, please wait until a break to do so.
  • Please note that, due to safety concerns, if you join the Zoom session while driving a vehicle, you will be removed from class.
  • Repeat - Please put your phone away