County Official Handbooks and NM Compliance Guides
County Official Handbooks

Developed for local elected officials and for the citizens of New Mexico who elect them, these handbooks are a reference guide for information related to the duties, responsibilities and authority of County Elected Officials.
New Mexico residents may also use these handbooks to learn how New Mexico's counties operate through the various and differing roles of a county official. Well informed citizens are more likely to participate in government and an active democracy helps make New Mexico a great place to live and work.
These handbooks were developed, researched, updated, edited, and published by the NM EDGE through New Mexico State University's Cooperative Extension Service in collaboration with and partial funding by the New Mexico Association of Counties.
These handbooks are intended to serve as a general guide. Consult your County Attorney for matters specific to your County or to the duties of your office.
New Mexico Compliance Guides
The following New Mexico Compliance Guides are available on the New Mexico Department of Justice website.
- Governmental Conduct Act (GCA) Compliance Guide by New Mexico Attorney General
- Inspection of Public Records Act (IPRA) Compliance Guide by New Mexico Attorney General
- Open Meetings Act (OMA) Compliance Guide by Attorney General
For more publications by the New Mexico Attorney General to assist the general public including, compliance guides and checklists for the Sunshine Laws of state government; brochures and pamphlets about Identity Theft and Internet; and Safety and publications about consumer issues and elderly care information, please visit the AG's Website.
How are laws made?