National Certified Public Manager® Consortium
The NM Certified Public Manager Program® (NM CPM) is the feature program of the NM EDGE. Other programs include the NM Certified Public Official Certification (NM CPO) and the NM Certified Public Supervisor Certification (NM CPS). Each of these programs offer classes from the core NM CPM curriculum and each builds on the previous level towards completion of the NM CPM.

A Nationally Recognized Program
The NM Certified Public Manager Program® (NM CPM) is a nationally recognized professional development program for public employees, supervisors, managers and elected officials.
The National CPM Consortium establishes accreditation standards and monitors member programs. Only accredited programs are authorized to award the CPM designation. The NM EDGE, through NM Cooperative Extension Service, offers the only NM CPM program in New Mexico. The NM CPM program has applied for accreditation through the National CPM Consortium and will know the results of their application in October of 2011. If successful, the NM EDGE's CPM program will be authorized to confer the CPM designation upon graduates of the program.
NM EDGE NM CPM Curriculum
Each NM CPM class is 3 hours in length and provides measurable learning results through pre and post testing. Education is divided into seven areas of study called tracks. These seven tracks are:
- Track I: Knowing Your Government
- Track II: Management & Leadership
- Track III: Human Resources
- Track IV: Budgeting
- Track V: Communication
- Track VI: Information Technology
- Track VII: Conducting Research
To learn more about our tracks and the classes that are offered under each of them, please visit our NM CPM class catalog.
Interested in the NM CPM Program?
The NM CPM program offers many benefits to participants, their organizations, departments and, most importantly, their constituents.
These include:
- Enhanced personal leadership strengths
- Increased efficiency and effectiveness in intergovernmental networks and
communication - Increased personal effectiveness and innovative problem solving
- Heightened quality in public service
- Successful NM CPM graduates are eligible for membership in the American Academy of Certified Public Managers.
Please email or call 505-224-4059 for more information.
NM CPM Advisory Board
It is the on-going goal of the NM EDGE as administrator of the NM CPM program to work collaboratively with its strategic partners to foster professional development in New Mexico’s public servants at every level of government by providing high quality, locally appropriate, educational programs that are academically sound, cost-effective and accessible.
It is the on-going charge of the NM CPM Advisory Board to offer guidance and support to the NM EDGE to achieve the educational and financial goals of the program. Therefore the NM CPM Advisory Board is largely comprised of representatives from our strategic partner organizations. These organizations have been identified as strategic partners because they represent public sector employees which could be served by the programs of NM EDGE.
National CPM Consortium 2023 Reaccrediation Digital Notebook